Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fun home project

Are you just going Spring crazy like I am? And are you addicted to Pinterest like I am? Don't deny it....Pinterest is a time sucking obsession of mine and I am not afraid to admit it :-)

So, I figured I would give a paint technique I found a shot! HERE IS MY PIN to the project I tried. I love the stripes with an unhealthy passion. They look so awesome!! I really like the size of the ones in the pin however, I decided I wanted bigger (thicker) stripes for my project.

I have an 8 foot high wall so I decided to do 1 foot stripes....because well, it was easy math.

My awesome and helpful neighbor Becky is demonstrating how to tape off the lines. Remember to put the tape above the top and below the bottom so you get even equal sized lines. 

Then we painted over the tape on the inside of the lines we were going to paint with the existing wall color to "seal" the tape because the walls have a texture to them. We used this brush:

It was easier because of the texture on the walls, we had to get the paint in all the little spots.

I let the brown paint over the tape dry overnight just to be sure!! Then, rolled my stripe color on pretty thick. 


I am pretty pleased :-)

And it was easy!

And my lines were *crisp*


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